Friday, July 17, 2009
Mau belajar di sekolah berkualitas..? datang aja ke SMK Negeri 01 Kec. Brebes sekarang juga....!!!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The impact of the presidential debate victory Susilo BY
Elections past pre
sident of the Republic of Indonesia on 8 July 2009 with the results of the survey agencies have said that President Susilo bambang Yudoyono elected president back into the period 2009 - 2014.
From the legislative elections that could take in the conclusion that the people begin to understand the meaning of leadership and pro-minded people the truth. Perhaps in the legislative elections that many people who choose to become the white (Golput) which reached 40%, with a different selection of the president on 8 July 2009. Community groups who are white (Golput) decreased in the range that is 28%, those who do not choose (Golput) should run the most routine activities that can not be abandoned, such as fishermen.
With the victory, President Susilo Bambang Yudoyono showed that people still believe in the leadership and success that he has been shot during the previous 5 years. There is one thought that more people indonesia convince adults that think that the presidential debate that has been hold by the General Elections Commission (KPU). Meeting of the three candidates who each present a vision and mission, even debate each other, community leaders can be concluded that firm figures, and authoritative. Besides, the knowledge that the three candidates have seen from the way they reveal and explain. The result is an elected president for the trust to the people of indonesia, not just promises and slogans. Competence of both intellectual and appearance of the three candidates, the team scorer and the community can understand that if any more worthy to be president of the Republic of Indonesia. It is the obligations of President Susilo Bambang Yudoyono to be able to realize in order to improve the performance and progress and prosperity of the nation of Indonesia. Congratulations on the President elect, CONTINUOUS WORK AND CONTINUOUS order INDONESIA Luck ...!!!

From the legislative elections that could take in the conclusion that the people begin to understand the meaning of leadership and pro-minded people the truth. Perhaps in the legislative elections that many people who choose to become the white (Golput) which reached 40%, with a different selection of the president on 8 July 2009. Community groups who are white (Golput) decreased in the range that is 28%, those who do not choose (Golput) should run the most routine activities that can not be abandoned, such as fishermen.
With the victory, President Susilo Bambang Yudoyono showed that people still believe in the leadership and success that he has been shot during the previous 5 years. There is one thought that more people indonesia convince adults that think that the presidential debate that has been hold by the General Elections Commission (KPU). Meeting of the three candidates who each present a vision and mission, even debate each other, community leaders can be concluded that firm figures, and authoritative. Besides, the knowledge that the three candidates have seen from the way they reveal and explain. The result is an elected president for the trust to the people of indonesia, not just promises and slogans. Competence of both intellectual and appearance of the three candidates, the team scorer and the community can understand that if any more worthy to be president of the Republic of Indonesia. It is the obligations of President Susilo Bambang Yudoyono to be able to realize in order to improve the performance and progress and prosperity of the nation of Indonesia. Congratulations on the President elect, CONTINUOUS WORK AND CONTINUOUS order INDONESIA Luck ...!!!
Dampak debat presiden terhadap kemenangan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

Dari pemilihan legislatif yang lalu dapat di ambil kesimpulan bahwa masyarakat mulai mengerti arti kepemimpinan dan pola pikir pro rakyat yang sesungguhnya. Mungkin pada pemilihan legislatif yang lalu masih banyak masyarakat yang memilih menjadi golongan putih ( Golput ) yang mencapai 40%, berbeda dengan pemilihan presiden pada tanggal 8 juli 2009. Masyarakat yang menjadi golongan putih ( Golput ) menurun yang berada pada kisaran 28 %, mereka yang tidak memilih ( Golput )kebanyakan memang harus menjalankan aktivitas rutin yang tidak bisa ditinggalkan seperti nelayan.
Dengan kemenangan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudoyono menunjukan bahwa masyarakat masih percaya kepada kepemimpinan dia dan keberhasilan yang sudah di capai selama 5 tahun sebelumnya. Ada satu pemikiran yang lebih meyakinkan masyarakat indonesia berpikir dewasa yaitu dengan adanya debat presiden yang telah di selenggarakan oleh Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU). Dari pertemuan ketiga kandidat yang saling menyajikan visi dan misi bahkan saling debat, masyarakat dapat menyimpulkan figur pemimpin yang tegas dan berwibawa. Disamping itu ilmu pengetahuan yang di miliki ketiga kandidat terlihat dari cara mereka menjelaskan dan mengungkapkan. Hasil itu merupakan suatu amanah bagi presiden terpilih kepada masyarakat indonesia, bukan hanya sekedar janji dan slogan. Dari kompetensi baik intelektual maupun penampilan ketiga kandidat yang ada, tim penilai dan masyarakat dapat mengerti mana yang sekiranya lebih layak menjadi presiden Republik Indonesia. Sudah menjadi kewajiban Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudoyono untuk dapat merealisasikan dan meningkatkan kinerja guna kemajuan dan kemakmuran bangsa Indonesia. Selamat atas Presiden terpilih, TERUS BEKERJA DAN BERJUANG TERUS DEMI INDONESIA...!!!
Dengan kemenangan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudoyono menunjukan bahwa masyarakat masih percaya kepada kepemimpinan dia dan keberhasilan yang sudah di capai selama 5 tahun sebelumnya. Ada satu pemikiran yang lebih meyakinkan masyarakat indonesia berpikir dewasa yaitu dengan adanya debat presiden yang telah di selenggarakan oleh Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU). Dari pertemuan ketiga kandidat yang saling menyajikan visi dan misi bahkan saling debat, masyarakat dapat menyimpulkan figur pemimpin yang tegas dan berwibawa. Disamping itu ilmu pengetahuan yang di miliki ketiga kandidat terlihat dari cara mereka menjelaskan dan mengungkapkan. Hasil itu merupakan suatu amanah bagi presiden terpilih kepada masyarakat indonesia, bukan hanya sekedar janji dan slogan. Dari kompetensi baik intelektual maupun penampilan ketiga kandidat yang ada, tim penilai dan masyarakat dapat mengerti mana yang sekiranya lebih layak menjadi presiden Republik Indonesia. Sudah menjadi kewajiban Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudoyono untuk dapat merealisasikan dan meningkatkan kinerja guna kemajuan dan kemakmuran bangsa Indonesia. Selamat atas Presiden terpilih, TERUS BEKERJA DAN BERJUANG TERUS DEMI INDONESIA...!!!
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