Sunday, April 26, 2009

I want to be a good Muslim

I was born in the family are Muslims. Of course overjoy a man with good morals akhlakul Karimah namely, in Islam men are taught how with other human beings even in a different religion. Islam teaches the relationship between man with God, known as Habluminallah, also with a man other men, known as Habluminannas.
Although I was born into a Muslim, but I'm not including the Muslim fanatics. In the worship of the beauty I see in the sciences of Islam, no religion even more beautiful from islam. The form of worship makes us aware and amazed akan Islamic teachings. Obligation of each Muslim is implementing the rules that apply the first is : say 2 sentences confession, prayer Establish, implement been Ramadhan fasting, giving alms and fulfill the Hajj.
Besides, the worship performed by a Muslims must be a continuity and full sincerity. When a Muslim in the running of their duties with pride and with the feeling it will not show all that in order to do.For those who feel capable (Rich) will usually be proud because of the wealth he has, whatever he will do or usually referred to justify any means.
Many of the ease in islam but also many who can not carry out obligations. Islam does not take someone's property, rank or position, but the level of piety that person be.
Only with the conduct of all obligations as a Muslim and we will be happy world of the Hereafter, in our world will get a good degree of glorious prosperity and tranquility of living life. And in the end of the day we will get a reply that is Heaven.
Hopefully I can become a good Muslim.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I was born to the world

On the day of recurrence kliwon date of 07 January 1972 I was born in the hospital because jalasenestri. I was born from a family that is, where my father a worker at the Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) of Brebes and mother a teacher. At the time I want to be born, there was an error position (sungsang) so I am not easy to be born. Various Maternity homes in Brebes not able to handle the birth I was born so I jalasenestri in the hospital, owned by the sea.
Once born into the world I feel that children have created a parent strain. What does not? I was born in the world with the life of a mother bets, he was sick until many months and the father-I have to wait at home sick even though he had to leave for work each day at the BRI.
Almost 2 weeks the mother is in the hospital, which means that I as a new born baby does not get breastfed (breast milk) the withdrawal other babies. I have been treated by a baby sitter so that the love, embrace and fondling mother's father can not I get the mother to recover fully from the illness. Even food and drink given to babies can not be said, the boiled cassava and susu canned food that is worthy of me. But finally I can ..alhamdullillah.. in the pile with the growth that is I can get well.

Monday, April 20, 2009

I was born free in nature

Every human being is born with the desire and the survivors of a perfect condition. In this world many things that happened outside the human desire, then we shall be grateful if any can be born in a free and natural with a perfect physical condition. Moreover, born as a man who has confidence Islam or Muslims. Every human is born, in islam has brought all the promise - a promise that has been agreed the man would be born. One example is about the life and death, he was told when and when to be born disabled. This is a consequence that every man must be ready to implement all agreed, if he does not implement all the agreements that he classified the human ingkar.Tapi how do we know what has been agreed with the human potential God? Possible when every human being has been born to then the world will remember him when the first agreement in the womb do not have crimes that occurred in the face of this earth, this is because people know all the risks of all the deeds in this world. Even doing all the world will be recorded and in the end of the day will be considered later, when the good he did so much as the reward of Paradise, and then when the hell as a place to come back and he will abide forever. Every human being there in the elements and the elements of good is not good, so that each man knew certainly what is done is good or bad. When will he make good the devil will say that with the court to which it is said is not correct, then people will fall when the whispering devil. Even though no human has not tried to do the right but not the devil will continue to seduce. Many ways the devil will take the human heart so that it does not want to implement properly, so that a human friend to the devil in hell that is not time limited. Every human being is born with the desire and the survivors of a perfect condition. In this world many things that happened outside the human desire, then we shall be grateful if any can be born in a free and natural with a perfect physical condition. Moreover, born as a man who has confidence Islam or Muslims. Every human is born, in islam has brought all the promise - a promise that has been agreed the man would be born. One example is about the life and death, he was told when and when to be born disabled. This is a consequence that every man must be ready to implement all agreed, if he does not implement all the agreements that he classified as a broken man. But how do we know what has been agreed with the human potential God? Possible when every human being has been born into the world and he will remember when the first agreement in the womb do not have crimes that occurred in the face of this earth, this is because people know your risk for all act in this world. Therefore, it is how we are going to live in this world? certainly be a good human being, because we are human beings born free in nature.

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