Every human being has certain education both formal or non formal. Education is all human behavior in order to get the sustainability, security and standard of living increase, for Islam is mentioned as ridlho permission GOD. So that the overall behavior of these form the intact human virtuous, on the basis of faith in GOD SWT. This iftitah in prayer in the prayer that "we also Shalat Dharma Bhakti, living and dead to all of us is GOD SWT or property, call upon all of nature. Therefore thinking about education is not only a formal education (schools) but is a widespread form of teaching that beginning dri education for both parents and the community will also influence the way a human life. Indeed, most of the effort to improve education will be on the mechanism of public education but a strong basic education of both parents and religion will be useful as a selective filter and fiction. For teaching, the role of other parties such as formal education and society in general are limited in terms of cognitive knowledge that sometimes even teachers who have successfully portray a afektif education. But the relationship with the child both parents will be closer than the optimal and the teacher in relation to the intensity and capacity of teachers as educators in schools. And the role of parents should not be the role of teaching that can dig anti by others, for the role of behavior, the example patterns and relationships with children and their parents in the community must have a parent, in accordance with religious values. Means that the pattern of family relationship will determine the pattern of life participated in the children who will come, when a family based on the religious knowledge of good and effective life of the child then the future can continue the pattern and value of life itself in the past.
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