Indonesia is a great country and of course a fertile country, prosperous and peaceful. Nowadays a lot of events - events that are not in tolerir because indonesia is a country with good people and peace. Indonesia is a country in a safe, peaceful, prosperous and safe, but many people do not understand the meaning. Nowadays in many countries we discuss in the outside world even a little country does not want to cooperate with foreign countries in order to participate in indonesia enjoy the natural resources. Is not very good when in fact those people would take advantage of the interest of private profit. Who is guilty when indonesia wealth of nature in the exploitation by countries without considering the viability indonesia where the only advantage for a certain time? Therefore come together to combat all forms of corruption, collusion and nepotism that was solely for personal gain. Society must realize that indonesia is a country of a great many parties who have interest to take advantage. We hope that the bureaucracy is still thinking that viability of the nation and state, because the fighter-combatant country and the nation so want this first life is free, just and prosperous for ever, without the corruption, collusion and corruption nepotisme.we pressing need, collusion and nepotism, KPK Life FOREVER ...!!!
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